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The Night Beckons...

This is where the show was set. In front one of our ''homestay daddy'' car porch. It's not shown here because the performers were there preparing their incense and cannot be snapped for spiritual reasons.

As it is spiritual,  this Kuda Kepang show has been a norm for the local Javanese culture. They regularly perform this spiritual trance performance to keep their spiritual bond with nature in harmony, in balance and peace.

After their preparations, I received permission to snap photos of the performance. It all started with a slash of the whip to the air, and the performers; with their wooden man-made horse, dance with passion and vitality as the spirit leads.

As the night wears on, the dancers constantly gather together in one accord, then break away dancing furiously. 

After quite a while dancing, they begin to let go of the horses and just follow the flow of the spirits; and the numbness just struck from snapping anymore photos. It's quite an exotic experience with a mixture of fear and amazement. Mind you, this is a dance which invites the natural spirit of the animals into your body. For an untrained spectator to be filled by one of these beings is a no-no. But, on the upside is, the whole experience of it all gives us an insight on how the Javanese in Tg Karang can relate themselves with the animal spirits.

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